Kulula racist blames schooling for her use of the k-word
Kulula racist, Alochna Moodley, says she was never taught about apartheid.

Alochna Moodley was on a Kulula flight from Johannesburg to Durban when she referred to the aircraft’s captain, and fellow passengers, using the k-word. She has since apologised for her derogatory racist remarks and has blamed its use on her schooling.
Moodley was taken to task by a fellow passenger who noticed the language used in an SMS the woman was typing to her fiancé. She was promptly removed from the flight and has subsequently been fired from her job at an engineering manufacturing company.
Read: Woman removed from Kulula flight after “k-word” incident with captain
The man alerted to the text message, Reverend Solumuzi Mabuza‚ has since opened a case of crimen injuria against Moodley, and although he accepts her apology, insists the matter must go to court.
Speaking to Times Live, Mabuza said:
“If you don’t go to a court of law where legal minds get to go through the case‚ then you are not solving the problem.”
In an act of reconciliation and quest for forgiveness, Moodley has been open to a mediation session, hosted by anti-apartheid activist and religious leader Bishop Rubin Phillip. The first mediation meeting between Moodley and Mabuza took place on Tuesday.
Read: Kulula racist loses her job
During the session, Moodley apologised profusely for her use of the word, saying:
“I have made enquiries as to why this word is so offensive. I am appalled.”
She did, however, say that her school curriculum was to blame for her desensitization relating to racial inequality.
Clarifying her comments, Moodley continued:
“My school curriculum did not teach me of the atrocities of apartheid. Any mention of it was in passing without the details of the oppression‚ especially of black people in this country.”
Moodley has admitted her ignorance surrounding the oppressive legacy of apartheid and has vowed to educate and enlighten herself through serious introspection.
Reverend Phillips has offered his assistance in this regards, saying:
“Learning will not take place in a comfortable space like this‚ it will happen through meeting God’s people in the townships.”