Maimane wants Life Orientation scrapped: SA kids ‘failed by system’
Mmusi Maimane has raised his opinion that Life Orientation should be pulled from the South African curriculum.

Mmusi Maimane has called for Life Orientation to be removed from South African curriculums. The former Democratic Alliance leader claims that learners gain nothing of true value from the current syllabus.
“I have looked at the curriculum for LO and it is not suited to our present needs for the digital economy and knowledge economy. For example this is insufficient for our young people in 2021.”
Mmusi Maimane

Mmusi Maimane wants LO scrapped
The politician insists that South African youths are being failed by the education system.
“We must scrap Life Orientation and replace it with critical thinking and general knowledge. I am tired of hearing that our young people lack ability, that they have no skills. Our young people are brilliant, they are talented and they are hungry for success. They have been failed by the system. A system that has set low expectations and designed subjects poorly.”
Mmusi Maimane
Low matric pass rate condemned
Furthermore, Maimane has called for an end to the announcement of matric results based on the 30% pass rate.
“I am calling for an end to the announcement of matric results based on the 30% standard. The impact of 30% based results announcements is this: We inflate success metrics. We mask the real state of our education system. We entrench low expectations and stereotypes.”
Mmusi Maimane
In addition to this, Maimane feels that the reduced pass rate enables educators to escape accountability.
“For too long we have allowed the ministry of basic education to announce results based on a fake pass mark of 30%. This does the following. Allows for obfuscation of our basic education crisis. Allows education leaders to escape accountability. Entrenches mediocrity.”
Mmusi Maimane
Minister slammed by Maimane
In conclusion, the OneSA founder set his sights on Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, condemning her ability to lead the sector. Certianly, Mmusi isn’t Motshekga’s biggest fan.
“No thread on our failing public education system would be complete without pointing out that Minister Angelina Motshekga has been in that position since 2009. It is time for her to rest.”
Mmusi Maimane