Medical schemes’ claims of ‘unfair unethical and illegal’ vaccine funding model more pronounced
Fedhealth said it’s ironic that government slams medical schemes as ‘elitist,’ yet comes ‘cap in hand’ asking for their members to fund the vaccine rollout.

The funding model for South Africa‘s Covid vaccination roll-out is “inherently unfair, unethical and illegal,” says Profmed CEO Craig Comrie, the MedicalBrief reports.
Comrie was this week the first medical scheme CEO to break ranks over an arrangement whereby around half of the entire nation’s vaccination bill will be paid for by the 9m members of SA’s medical schemes.
Fedhealth‘s Principal Officer, Jeremy Yatt, according to the MedicalBrief, has also spoken out against the plan, saying “contrary to what is being punted in the media, is by no means a done deal.”
“It is galling that the state is continually slamming the medical schemes as elitist, inefficient and useless, but then comes cap in hand, asking that their members, who already have removed themselves from being a health burden from the state, to hand over their reserves.”
Rising disquiet
The opposition comes among rising disquiet and uncertainty, in general, over the health department’s vaccine roll-out strategy.
Negotiations between the medical schemes and government about them footing the bill for their members, as well as at least one additional dose, was based on an initial estimate that R12.1bn was needed to vaccinate a targeted 27.5m people, MedicalBrief reported.
However, this week News24, citing National Treasury, reported that the cost might double to reach 40m people at a cost estimated to vary between R20bn and R24bn.
National Treasury’s director-general Dondo Mogajane reportedly said that finance would not be an issue, detailing three main options: raising taxes; increased borrowing; and reprioritizing of existing budgets.
An additional option was the National Revenue Fund, by means of a process enabled by section 16 of the Public Finance Management Act, which allows for the use of funds in emergency situations.
No mention was made of medical scheme subsidisation.
Carrying the burden alone
Profmed’s Comrie says that while everyone in the sector embraced the notion of a rapid vaccine roll-out, the fixing of a standard exit price (SEP) that he says is at least twofold the actual cost, is “innately unfair” to schemes in general and the smaller schemes in particular.
He said medical schemes, only one part of the healthcare sector, were alone being asked to shoulder the bill for a public good that benefited every South African business and individual.
Instead of the forced subsidisation by their medical members, the burden should be more widely shared, he added.
“They could provide equivalent funding to what the schemes are being requested to fund. And in that way, instead of us paying double, we could probably pay a fairer, more palatable portion.”
Critics of the proposed DoH funding arrangement instead want it to be via voluntary contributions to the Social Solidarity Fund, not only by the schemes, but by all of SA’s corporates, as well as from wealthy individuals.
“Life insurers benefit from herd immunity. Corporates benefit, so do individuals. All should be asked to contribute,” says Comrie.
If cross-subsidisation were still found to be necessary, Profmed’s CEO said, it should be done the customary budgetary way, through tax mechanisms.
“The fact that medical scheme reserves grew during 2020 has made them a convenient target for government. However, it’s not as simple as that. The reserves are the funds of members, it’s actually outside our ability to agree to that type of funding without the agreement of members.”
‘Nationalizing members’ savings‘
It’s simply illegal to target members’ funds in this way, says Comrie, drawing an analogy with moves to pressure pension funds to invest in assets and projects identified by government.
Comrie says this is possibly the same as government “nationalizing” the funds in an individuals’ savings account, because they are unspent, and banks being asked to approve that decision without account holders consent.
Comrie says the arbitrary fixing of the SEP at a multiple of actual cost is simply a convenient way to circumvent “what I think is an unethical and illegal transaction since this is effectively a mechanism to extract members funds from schemes to fund non-members.”
“This is money that is held in trust. To simply hand it over to government, as the big players and regulators are suggesting, is a betrayal of that trust. The only way that it can be ethically and legally done is by obtaining a mandate from the members of every scheme.”
“There is also a bigger context when you look at the fact that we’ve got probably around 15 million employed people in South Africa. Only half of those belong to medical schemes. The other half have varying levels of affordability, but many could belong. This means that our members will land up cross-subsidising people who could afford to pay.”
‘Complications and vagaries‘
Comrie says that there was concern that the process has not been transparent.
“The conundrum is that we don’t want to hold up the vaccination process [with legal challenges]. So, we want government and other schemes seriously to consider the alternative funding proposals. But it seems … we are not being heard.”
Fedhealth’s Yatt told MedicalBrief that it was not a matter of “miserliness” and that the schemes were keen to be part of the solution, adding that they had immense experience and expertise that they were very ready to apply to deliver the common good of a vaccine rollout.
Yatt said the funding proposals were “fraught with complications and vagaries” and were fundamentally at odds with the underlying philosophy of medical schemes.
“Unlike the insurers which exist to make a profit, we’re essentially not-for-profit stokvels, existing for the benefit of our members.”
“While it is certainly true that we’ve benefited from decreased use of medical services during the pandemic, the improved reserves are not just a pile of cash that we’re hoarding because we’re greedy. There is a great deal of uncertainty of what unexpected financial demands the pandemic might still bring, as well as what the uptake of services is going to be going forward, for medical procedures that were put off last year.”
“Fedhealth’s solvency ratio (schemes must statutorily hold at least 25% of revenue in a reserve fund) is prudently high, but there are schemes that are close to the statutory minimum. Does that mean that they will be exempted from paying? How fair is that?”
Yatt added that he was “very concerned” about the “slippery slope” that the proposal represented.
“I keep reading about how the pandemic has proved the need for the NHI (National Health Insurance) to be implemented immediately. It actually shows the opposite — the need for a two-tier health system.”
Another medical scheme executive, who did not want to be named, told MedicalBrief that the schemes were being “naive” if they thought that this “punitive” funding mechanism agreed to the DoH would be a once-off:
“The pandemic has a long way to run. Variants and an uncertain future mean that more funding will be needed down the road. This is just the first knock at the medical schemes’ door by the government.”