Nzimande working on NEW funding model for universities
Minister Blade Nzimande says the Higher Education, Science and Innovation Department is working on a new funding model.

Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Balade Nzimande said his department is currently working on a new funding model. The funding model is for university and college students in South Africa.
The new model will soon be presented to the President
Minister Nzimande made the announcement during his departmental budget speech on Thursday, 2 June. Nzimande said the new funding model will be presented to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet by July.
“As part of the development of our comprehensive student funding model, through the ministerial task team on student funding, we are engaging both the public and private components of the financial sector to come up with a funding model to support students in the ‘missing middle’ income bracket and post-graduate students who cannot secure funding from the National Research Foundation,”
said Nzimande.
Alternative sources of funding will be explored by Nzimande
The Minister explained that the model will incorporate existing funding from the State while exploring alternative sources of funding. In February this year, the Minister announced a CPI-linked increase in fees for tuition for 2022.
He noted that the sector relies on tuition and residence fees for universities in the country to remain operational. Nzimande shared data that shows how student debt has grown in the university sector in recent years.
According to BusinessTech, unaudited data showed an estimated R6.1 billion is owed by students. This was at the start of the 2021 academic year. Audited accumulated gross student debt at the end of December 2020 sat at R16.5 billion.

Dept of Transport looking at building new airports with ‘aerotropolises’
In other news about departments and funding, it was previously reported that the Transport Department is paying more attention to South Africa’s airports. It is looking at how to fit them into the broader economy. They are aiming to widen existing international airports into ‘aerotropolises’.
The department is also looking at the need for smaller, less profitable airports. A proposal regarding the aforementioned also includes a revised white paper which was published at the end of last month. A key change is aerotropolises.
According to aerotropolis.com, an aerotropolis is a new urban form where cities are built around airports. These cities speedily connect time-sensitive supplies. The Department of Transport said that the concept of an aerotropolis should be supported at airports. Read the full story here.