Matric cheating scandal: Learners allegedly paid R1500 to get exam answers
The DBE is investigating a cheating scandal in Mpumalanga involving matric learners who allegedly paid R1500 for exam answers.

The Department of Basic Education has instituted investigative marking after it was revealed that matric learners in Mpumalanga allegedly paid teachers R1500 to get exam answers.
According to reports, at least 1127 learners believed to be from schools in Mpumalanga allegedly paid teachers up to R1500 to join WhatsApp groups where teachers and invigilators answers were posted while exams were in session.
According to News24, in Gauteng, it is alleged that 53 pupils cheated in Economics paper one while in the Eastern Cape, four candidates were accused of cheating in the Mathematics Literacy exam.
Department of Basic Education spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga said they would be paying close attention to the answers the candidates in the implicated schools have given.
“That will tell us what exactly has taken place. We should be able to get some answers very soon, which will give us a possible way forward regarding what should be done,” Mhlanga said.
This comes as matric learners in a number of provinces were given a second chance to write some of the exams they had missed.
- In Mpumalanga, learners rewrote Mathematics Paper 2
- In Eastern Cape, learners will rewrote Mathematical Literacy Paper 1
- Eastern Cape, North West, and Mpumalanga matriculants rewrote Mathematical Literacy Paper 2
- Gauteng matric learners rewrite Economics Paper 1
- Limpopo and Eastern Cape rewrote English First Additional Language Paper 1
ALSO READ: ‘Unsolvable’ Maths Paper 2 question excluded from marking process