Newspaper Daily Maverick ‘shuts down’ for journalism
Daily Maverick users are greeted with an unusual sight (15 April, 2024): the website has ‘shut down’ for one day. Here’s why.

An unfamiliar sight greeted Daily Maverick readers on Tuesday (15 April, 2024), as the website temporarily shut down for one day.
Visitors can see a blank page instead of the regular news headlines.
What’s up with that?
The website shutdown is a planned event, done as commemmoration for journalists and media professionals.
Posts should resume from tomorrow.
The ‘blackout’ asks for user support and donations.
It’s an unusual move for any publication. What does it mean and why are they doing it?
Here’s more about the temporary newspaper shut down.
Daily Maverick ‘shuts down’
Daily Maverick has closed its website for one day.
Visitors are greeted with a blank page instead of the expected news headlines.
The planned, temporary shutdown commemorates journalism. Visitors are encouraged to donate or support their website.
Its website says: ‘Without Journalism, our democracy will break down.’
The page urges visitors to donate, either as individuals or businesses.
News and other posts will resume later. The day’s ‘media blackout’ shows what could happen if journalism suddenly stopped.
Nobody would have an idea what’s going on in the world!
Donations can help journalism, says the page.
Daily Maverick isn’t the only paper or publication doing this.
The Guardian UK also prompts donations from its users. The Daily Mail and other news websites are starting to do the same.
Many South African newspapers now have paywalls.
News isn’t free, even though articles are sometimes free to read.
Maverick hopes to make a point to its readers and sponsors. Unbiased journalism needs support.
Do you agree?
About the Daily Maverick
Daily Maverick launched in 2008.
It’s become a famous South African newspaper.
The newspaper exists online, and as a print publication.
Its journalists have won multiple awards for international investigative journalism. They’re also home to many column writers, including Jacques Pauw and Mandy Wiener.
Some of its news can be accessed for free.
Maverick joins other publications who ask users to donate.
Many other media companies, including Wiki, have done the same.
Would you donate to journalism?
Can you imagine a world without it?
Tell us more and let us know your thoughts.
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