North Korea has found the cure for AIDS, Ebola and MERS… apparently
The same country that officially claims to have discovered unicorn remains has also, despite their crumbling economy and outdated technology, developed a cure for three of the world’s deadliest diseases.

The world’s favourite dictatorship to poke fun at and famously oppressive state has, according to their state controlled news agency, discovered the cure for AIDS, MERS and Ebola.
Now, while the entire world’s combined medical knowledge and virtually unlimited resources has yet to produce a cure for these deadly diseases; it is important to know that North Korea’s government is capable of anything and everything… except feeding their own people.
The Huffington Post reports that, according to the Korean Central News Agency — oh socialism – the cure consists of a combination of Ginseng and ‘rare earth minerals’ to create what they’re calling Kumdang-2.
Initially created under the leadership of Kim Jong-il in 1996 to fight bird flu, the newer version is the result of his son, Kim Jong-un’s enterprising spirit.
This might be the time to note that, the drug has no solid medical or scientific base and there is no proof as to its efficacy.