Ordinary South Africans helping drought-stricken areas with huge water drive
What started off as a simple plea on Facebook as blossomed into an extraordinary citizen-driven effort to help the people in the drought stricken areas of South Africa.

It started as a simple plea on Facebook and has turned out into a nationwide campaign which is making a massive changes to the lives of people in drought stricken areas.
“It has snowballed into something I never experienced in my life,” said Caroline van Saasen who started the Facebook page Water Shortage South Africa (WSSA).
It started with Van Saasen simply asking people who were traveling during the holidays to take a few extra bottles of water for the towns which are in need.
People across South Africa immediately took up the challenge. Now, the group has thousands of people co-ordinating collections, drop offs and deliveries.
“At one of the drop-offs at Sannieshof a little boy walked over and downed a whole one litre bottle of water immediately. He had not had water for three days,” said Saassen, who refused to take the credit for starting the campaign.
“It is not me. There are 18 500 people behind this drive,” she said.
Supermarkets, trucking companies, delivery vehicles and everyone else has made the effort to deliver water to thirsty people in towns and villages struck by the draught.