Parliament signs off on SABC report, time to put Muthambi out to pasture
The majority of MPs in the national Assembly (including minister Faith Muthambi’s own ANC caucus) today adopted the report by the commission of enquiry into the SABC.

See, you know someone in the ANC’s parliamentary caucus has started listening to their conscience when they vote against one of Zuma’s favourites, minister of communications Faith Muthambi and her pet project, the SABC.
Also read: R5.1 billion irregular expenditure at the SABC and the CEO wants it taken care of internally
Anyhoo, the National Assembly on Tuesday adopted the report by the commission set up to look into the sh*tshow that is senior management over at the national broadcaster – unfortunately it would seem that one of the key culprits, our dear Hlaudi Motsoeneng, might come off unscathed from the inquiry –.
This means the current board must be replaced immediately and an interim one set up to see what’s left to salvage of the SABC.
In discussions around the shocking state Hlaudi Motsoeneng and his Muthambi-sanctioned cabal left the SABC, opposition parties certainly didn’t hold back, with most calling for Zuma to axe the minister.
“The main characters in this tragedy are the minister of communications, the honourable Faith Muthambi, and Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng, likened to Lady Macbeth and Lord Macbeth – with the journalists and staff being their victims,” the DA’s Mike Waters said in the national Assembly.
“It is a tale of unchecked greed, power, corruption, mismanagement, incapacity, incompetence, irregularity and unlawfulness,” said the IFP’s Narend Signh.