SASSA FAQs: Here is everything you need to know about grants
If you’ve ever had to apply for a SASSA grant, you know the questions that often go unanswered. We tried to find some answers to help you …

If you’ve ever had to apply for a SASSA grant, you know the questions that often go unanswered. We tried to find some answers to help you …
Where Do You Apply For A SASSA Grant?
- You can apply at the SASSA Office nearest to where you live;
- If you are too old or sick to travel to the office to apply for a grant, then a family member or friend can apply on your behalf; with letter from you as applicant authorizing the application;
- Alternatively you may call the SASSA office to request a home visit;
- Your application form will be completed in the presence of an official from SASSA; • When your application is completed you will be given a receipt;
- Keep this receipt – it is your only proof of application;
- You do not have to pay any money to apply;
- If your application is not approved by SASSA, you must be informed in writing as to why your application was unsuccessful;
- You have the right to request SASSA to reconsider its decision, if you are unhappy with the decision made. If the reconsidered decision is still unfavourable, you have the right to appeal to the Minister of Social Development. The request for SASSA to reconsider its decision must be made within 90 days of you being informed of the outcome of your application
If Your Application Is Unsuccessful ...
You must be informed in writing of the reasons for the refusal of the grant application, as well as your right to request the decision to be reconsidered within 90 days of notification.
How Will You Be Paid?
You have the right to choose how you wish to receive your social grant.
You can either have the grant paid directly into your own personal bank account, or you can have the grant paid into the new SASSA card account. If you wish to use your own account, you will be liable for all costs related to that account,
If you use the SASSA card, then there are no costs to you, unless you use the card for services in excess of those SASSA pays for.
Note: If you choose to have the grant paid into your own account, you will be requested to complete a form confirming the bank account details. If you choose to receive your grant in the SASSA card, you will be enrolled and issued the card by SAPO officials
Your SASSA Grant May Be Suspended If …
The following may result in the suspension of a grant:
- Changes in circumstances (financial and / or medical);
- Outcome of a review;
- Failure to co-operate when a grant is reviewed;
- Committing a fraudulent activity or misrepresentation.
- Where grant was approved in error
How To Restore Your Suspended Grant?
An application must be made for restoration of a grant within 90 days of the suspension.
Your Grant Will Lapse Because Of …
- Death;
- Admission to a State Institution;
- When the period of temporary disability has lapsed;
- You are absent from the Republic; for a period of longer than 90 days
- If you cease to be a refugee.
- If the child for whom the grant is received turns 18.
You must declare any income at the time of application. This will form the basis on which SASSA will decide whether your grant must be reviewed. You will be notified 3 months in advance of the date of the review or the date on which the life certificate is due.
How To Apply For A Foster Child Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The foster parent must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- Both the applicant and the child must reside in South Africa.
- Child must remain in the care of the foster parent(s).
Care Dependency Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- The applicant and child must be resident in South Africa.
- Child must be under the age of 18 years.
- The applicant must submit a medical / assessment report confirming permanent, severe disability.
- The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test (except for foster parents.
- The care-dependent child/children must not be permanently cared for in a State Institution.
Child Support Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The primary caregiver must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- Both the applicant and the child must reside in South Africa.
- The applicant must be the primary care giver of the child/ children concerned.
- The child/children must be born after 31 December 1993.
- The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test.
- Child can not apply for more than six non-biological children.
- Child can not be cared for in state institution.
Disability Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- The applicant must be resident in South Africa.
- The applicant must be 18 to 59 years of age.
- The applicant must submit a medical / assessment report confirming permanent, severe disability.
- The applicant’s medical assessment must not be older than 3 months at date of application.
- The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test.
- The applicant must not be maintained or cared for in a State Institution.
- The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant in respect of him or herself.
Foster Child Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The foster parent must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- Both the applicant and the child must reside in South Africa.
- Child must remain in the care of the foster parent(s).
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be in receipt of a grant for Older Persons.
- Disability grant or a War Veteran’s grant, and require full- time attendance by another person.
- Owing to his/her physical or mental disabilities.
- Must not be cared for in an institution that receives subsidy from the State for the care/housing of such beneficiary.
Older Persons Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- The applicant and child must be resident in South Africa.
- Must not be less than 60 years.
- The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant for him or herself.
- The applicant and spouse must comply with the means test.
- The applicant must not be maintained or cared for in a State Institution.
- The applicant must submit a 13 digit bar coded identity document.
Social Relief Of Distress
Social relief of distress is a temporary provision of assistance intended for persons in such dire material need that they are unable to meet their or their families’ most basic needs.
Social Relief of Distress is paid to South African citizens or permanent residents, who have insufficient means and meet one or more of the following criteria:
- The applicant is awaiting payment of an approved social grant.
- The applicant has been found medically unfit to undertake remunerative work for a period of less than 6 months.
- The breadwinner is deceased and application is made within three months of the date of death.
- No maintenance is received from parent, child or spouse obliged in law to pay maintenance, and proof is furnished that efforts made to obtain maintenance have been unsuccessful.
- The breadwinner of that person’s family has been admitted to an institution funded by the state (prison, psychiatric hospital, state home for older persons, treatment centre for substance abuse or child and youth care centre).
- The applicant has been affected by a disaster as defined in the Disaster Management Act or the Fund Raising Act, 1978.
- The person is not receiving assistance from any other organization or.
- Refusal of the application for social relief of distress will cause undue hardships.
War Veterans Grant
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be a South African citizen / permanent resident.
- The applicant must be a resident in South Africa.
- The applicant must be 60 years and over or must be disabled.
- The applicant must have fought in the Second World War or the Korean War.
- The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test.
- The applicant must not be maintained or cared for in a State Institution.
- The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant in respect of himself or herself.
Special COVID-19 SRD Grant
Do I qualify for the Special Covid19 Social Relief of distress grant (R350.00)?
The following people qualify for the Special Covid19 Social Relief of distress grant:
- South African Citizen, Permanent Resident, Refugee, Asylum seeker or citizens of Lesotho, Angola and Zimbabwe who hold special permits registered on the Home Affairs database;
- Residing within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;
- Above the age of 18;
- Unemployed;
- Not receiving any social grant;
- Not receiving unemployment insurance benefit and does not qualify to receive unemployment insurance benefit;
- Not receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme;
- Not in receipt of any other government COVID-19 response support;
- and Not a resident in a government funded or subsidized institution.
What Do I Need To Apply For The Special Covid19 Social Relief Of Distress Grant?
- Identity Number/Department of Home Affairs Refugee, Asylum seeker or special permit number;
- Name and Surname as captured in the ID or permit Gender and Disability;
- Contact details – Cell phone number;
- Residential Address;
- No hard copies are required and no attachments are required
How Do I Apply?
WhatsApp number: 082 046 8553
Website: https://srd.sassa.gov.za
How Will I Know If My Application For The Special COVID19 SRD Grant Has Been Seen, Or Processed?
Once the application has been considered, a SMS message will be sent to all considered applicants. Every applicant will be advised about the outcome of their application.
Are All Applications Automatically Approved?
No. Not all applications will be approved. Every application will be tested for availability of means or income. Payment is also subject to availability of funds.
What Happens After My Application Is Approved?
You will receive an SMS from SASSA to upload your bank details.
How Will I Be Paid?
Once we have obtained your banking details we should be able to pay you either through your bank account if you have one or through a cash transfer option.
Payment shall be done through direct deposit into your own Bank Account or through cash transfer option which goes to the cell phone and can be cashed at the bank ATM of your choice.
What Happens If I Don't Have A Bank Account?
Applicants who do not have a bank account will be able to select a bank of their choice between the following 4 banks to receive a cash transfer payment:
Where no choice is made as to how to receive the payment, SASSA will send the payment through the Post Office. All asylum seekers and special permit holders will be paid through the post office, where a personal appearance, with the relevant documents will be required to prove identity before payment is affected.
Can One Use Another Person's Bank Account?
No. To avoid any possible fraudulent activities this is not allowed. Use your own bank account or cellphone number.
Can One Use Another Person's CellPhone Number To Make An Application?
Yes. Applications are processed using the ID number of the applicant.
When I Apply Through WhatsApp And The Website, Do I Need To Upload Any Documents Such As ID Copy, Proof OF Residences Etc?
No. No physical documents are required.
If I Applied Using USSD Channel, Is There A Problem If I Submit A Second Application Through The Website Channel?
Do NOT submit multiple applications. SASSA will only consider one application per applicant.
Should We Re-Apply Because We Have Not Received Feedback?
No. It is not necessary. There are backlogs, but feedback will be provided.
Can I Get Paid Via Cash Send If The Cell Phone Is Not Mine?
No, the cellphone number must be registered and belong to the applicant
If Rejected, Will I Be Notified With A Reason For Rejection?
A SMS indicating your application was declined and outlining the reason will be sent to the applicant through the cellphone number submitted to SASSA
Can I Appeal, If Rejected?
Not yet, appeal process is still under review.
I Am Over 60 Years, Can I Also Apply?
If you are over 60 years, you need to apply for an Old Age Grant. This Special Covid-19 SRD grant of R350 is not payable to people over the age of 60
What Are The SASSA Contact Centre Numbers?
National Call Centre 0800 60 10 11
Source: sassa.gov.za