Skinny Sbu: Happy socks entrepreneur depicts SMMEs troubles in South Africa [video]
To take his business to the next level, Skinny Sbu needs R5-million.

The Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprise (SMME) environment in South Africa is both underdeveloped and not progressive. Skinny Sbu is a popular happy socks entrepreneur and his story rings loudly in the ears of those who have ignored this facet of our economy.
The SMME sector of the economy is at the heart of the National Development Plan (NDP) that has yet to kick off.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has indicated his intent to draw some attention to this sector and build a framework that connects the sector and government – a current detachment that is affecting the economy greatly.
Read – BRICS Communications and ICT ministers undertake to support SMMEs
Who is Skinny Sbu?
Sibusiso Ngwenya is a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Johannesburg. His happy socks business has been booming if it is measured by how popular the brand is. However, what we didn’t know are the financial struggles Sbu is currently battling.
Currently, his business serves 20 national retailers, a great feat for a small business. However, the demand is overwhelming the supply at the moment.
According to Sbu, he started the business in 2014. It flourished at first and people caught on to the trend of happy socks.
Read – The three critical reasons why South Africa’s SMMEs are struggling
What are happy socks?
If you have ever seen someone wearing socks with some form of messaging on them, usually made in bright, pastel colours, then those are happy socks.
They have become a staple in any fashion trend, whether it is urban casual or formal wear. They are called happy socks because of how they stand out in an outfit and, of course, the quirky designs on them.
Skinny Sbu opens up about his financial troubles
Many of Sbu’s followers only found out recently that he had checked himself into a mental healthcare facility after drowning in depression.
The pressure of having to keep up appearances and the level of demand got too much for him. Quoted in an article on Eyewitness News, Sbu revealed the nature of small businesses in South Africa drained him.
“I am dealing with 20 national stores… from my pocket and I have to feed that animal. The bigger the business grows, the more it demands of your money to speak to a national audience.
“I have to make the socks myself, I have to design them, I have to distribute them, I have to market them and that is a very expensive exercise.”, he stated.
In an interview with SABC News, Sbu admitted that, for the business to survive, he needs a cash injection of R5-million.
The government was not doing enough to avail funds to people like him who have ambitions of taking their business to the next level.
“You know what small businesses need? We need money. We need the government to create an environment for us where we are able to easily access money.” he added.
You can check out the rest of what Sbu had to say right here