South Africans in London to join #FeesMustFall solidarity protest
A #FeesMustFall solidarity protest is taking place in London tomorrow outside the South African High Commission.

Londoners will picket outside South Africa House on Friday 23 October in solidarity with the South African students protesting against tuition fee increases.
The march, organised by students from SOAS, University of London, will start at Russel Square at 10.30 and make its way to South Africa House at Trafalgar Square by 11am.
Rhodes Must Fall Oxford will aslo be joining the march.
#feesmustfall solidarity protest in London Tomrorrow pic.twitter.com/3p9LdQvRWz
— Nyathikano (@Nyathikano) October 22, 2015
This follows a letter from students at the University of London who expressed their unity with students protesting in South Africa.
“We watched in awe at this mass expression of outrage at the austerity being meted out on South African university students,” the letter read.
“Like us, who have occupied space thereby reclaiming our university, the students of UCT merely want to improve the situation for black students and academic and non-academic workers.”
The letter continued: “The #FeesMustFall and the University must be decolonised and de-corporatised.”
SOAS, University of London students preparing for tomorrow’s #FeesMusFall protest in #London pic.twitter.com/rkn3FeqB9l
— Nyathikano (@Nyathikano) October 22, 2015
For more information about the march, see the Facebook event.