South Africa’s “pathetic” education system is breeding “a culture of entitlement”
Our education system is creating a culture of entitled youths, according to renowned human rights activist Rhoda Kadalie.

“When I was a student, I worked to pay for my own admission fees,” Kadalie said, referring to the #FeesMustFall movement
“But because our education system is so pathetic we compensate for what is going on at universities and breeding a culture of entitlement.”
She was speaking at a seminar hosted by Stellenbosch University’s Business School and the Institute for Future Research at the Medical Research Council in Parow outside Cape Town.
Kadalie added that, if she was vice chancellor of a university, she would simply have told protesting students to ‘go and study’.
“The year has hardly started and the students are marching about admission fees.”
She said that uneducated parents were elevating the problem nationally, adding that many parents couldn’t fulfil their duties as they are too poor and struggle to find work.
“Too many parents can’t help their children with homework because they are illiterate.”
Kadalie ended her speech off by saying that, after 22 years, the ANC has wrecked the South African economy and that unemployment remains a problem, but that the majority of young people are too uneducated to be employed in the first place.
“We also have a culture of political intolerance. People are being fired left right and centre for expressing their opinions.
“President Zuma’s contempt for us was demonstrated by the unceremonious way he got rid of Minister Nene,” Kadalie said.
After Nkandla, the Prasa disaster, planned nuclear deal with Russia and SAA being flown into the ground, it became clear that the president is “impervious to criticism and an accountable government”.
She did, however, add that there is still hope for SA and that it’s up to civil society and independent institutions to help fix it.