Children of the ‘Springs Monster’ speak out against horrific abuse
The eldest children of the Springs Monster have penned agonising affidavits detailing the most grotesque abuse.

Two children who suffered heinous abuse at the hands of their father, who has been dubbed the ‘Springs Monster’, have filed affidavits detailing the crimes committed in the ‘House of Horrors’.
The 36-year-old man accused of abusing his five children over the course of ten years, under the roof of what has been dubbed the House of Horrors, was found guilty in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria in August. Now, while both parents await sentencing, their children have chosen to speak out on the trauma inflicted upon them.
The Springs Monster was arrested in May 2014, after his 11-year-old son managed to escape the house and alert neighbours to the abuse. Shocking court testimony revealed how the man had sexually abused his eldest daughter and tortured his eldest son with a blowtorch.
Son speaks out about his father, the Springs Monster
In the affidavit, which has been reported on by News24, the most severely physically abused son, now aged 15, detailed the years of abuse at the hands of his father and the hate it ingrained inside of him, saying:
“I hate him so much, I would kill him if I could. I wish there are people in jail who can hurt him like he hurt me. I wish they could also burn him with a blowtorch and hit him and shock him so that he will know how he hurt me. I sometimes see the scars he gave me, and I hate him.
He never loved me. I wish I could get another surname because I want nothing to do with him. I don’t want to be his son.”
According to court testimony, the boy has difficulty reading and writing as a result of his parents’ refusal to allow him to attend school. The boy also lambasted his mother, who stands co-accused, for not doing enough to protect him and his siblings, saying:
“She never even cried when he hurt me, she never tried to stop him. I don’t love her. She did nothing to help me.
I know now that I did the right thing that night [by alerting the neighbour] because I helped my sisters and brother. Sometimes, I think if I hadn’t done it, he would have killed me.”
Eldest daughter says she tried to keep her siblings safe
In her affidavit, the man’s eldest daughter, who is now 20 and in matric, explains that she tried her utmost to keep her younger siblings safe, saying:
“We were very afraid of our dad and when he came home, I always tried to keep the smaller children away from him. I thought if he didn’t see them, he wouldn’t think of them and then he wouldn’t hurt them.
He hit us with PVC pipes and a cane. I remember how he dragged my sister down a flight of stairs and how her head hit every step.”
The daughter admitted that the eldest son received the worst of the abuse, saying:
“He would hit [the boy] in particular and hung him by his arms or legs from the rafters. There was so much that happened – I can’t remember all of it.”
Like her brother, the daughter also blamed their mother for not doing enough to prevent the abuse, saying:
“My mother was always there and did nothing to help.”
The daughter refused to discuss details relating to the rape.
The Springs Monster has been found guilty of;
- The abuse and rape of his oldest daughter, who was 16-years-old at the time.
- The attempted murder of his 13-year-old son
- Obstruction of justice relating to the initial on-site search
- Five charges of child abuse
- Five counts of child neglect
- Two charges of breaking the Schools Act
- Showing pornographic material to his underage daughter
- Using and distributing crystal methamphetamine
He is expected to be sentenced on Wednesday morning.