Strandfontein desalination plant opens as Cape Town enjoys rain
The irony was not lost on anyone.

It doesn’t rain in Cape Town too often these days but when it does, of course, it’s the day that the City is opening a new desalination plant. On Monday, the Strandfontein desalination plant opened after passing a taste test from Deputy Mayor Ian Neilson.
The plant will produce around 7ML of water per day. In the initial few weeks, it will produce around 3ML. Neilson partook in a blind taste test of tap, desalinated and bottled water. He ended up favouring the desalinated water.
“Everything is now working. “If you want it to rain, build a desalination plant,” Neilson joked.
“[It is] currently functioning at around 3ML a day but over the next week or so, they will be stepping that up every few days to get up to full production of 7ML a day.”
The plant became fully functional last Tuesday.
The Deputy Mayor also took the time to once again thank Cape Town residents for making the effort to save water. Less than three months ago, the Cape Town area was expected to run out of water and face Day Zero.
Read: Three Cape Town desalination plants to deliver water in May
This would have seen residents forced to collect water daily from water collection points and live on just 25 litres per day per person. The last average dam levels for the City were at 21.4% on 14 May.
While the Strandfontein plant was expected to go online in March, the Monwabisi plant was supposed to launch at the beginning of April. The plant at the V&A Waterfront did start producing water, the quality, however, was not up to scratch and the city was not happy.
The Monwabisi and Strandfontein plants are expected to produce seven million litres per day. Each facility cost around R250m. The Waterfront facility will deliver just two million litres per day.