The gloves come off as Zuma recommits government to deportations and arrests of illegal immigrants
El presidente has made it clear that the gloves are coming off and foreign nationals riding the Mzanzi gravy train will quickly find themselves under arrest and on their way to refugee camps.

Despite getting into fights with other African leaders – including the newly re-elected former dictator of Nigeria and president of Tanzania – regarding the treatment of their citizens inside South Africa; Zuma is adamant that the South African government clamps down on illegal immigrants.
In a report by the Mail&Guardian, it’s become clear that he’s not taking anymore kak from non-South Africans. The military is being deployed on all our borders and random checks and arrests will soon become the order of the day for all foreign nationals in South Africa… if government gets its way.
President Zuma isn’t the only statesman taking a hard line against immigrants though, as Botswana has recently reaffirmed its commitment to putting local labourers’ needs above immigrant labour.
Foreign dignitaries have lambasted the president, with some even calling him xenophobic, but to no avail. Zuma has blamed other African states for South Africa’s problems with Xenophobia, attributing our issues to their poor housekeeping and the South African government has made one thing painfully clear: If you’re not here legally we’ll get you and you’re gone.