Trevor Noah roasting Trump Jr over his meeting with Russians is life [video]
His “really” face is everything!

We know that there’s plenty of batshit crazy politics going on right on our very shores to keep you busy, but just divert your attention for a second.
Over in America, things are pretty batshit crazy, too. For some time now there have been reports of collusion from the Russians in the American election.
This week, the New York Times dropped quite a revelation. The publication claims this:
Donald Trump Jr was informed in an email ahead of a meeting with a Russian lawyer that damaging information about Hillary Clinton to be handed over was part of an effort by the Russian government to help the Trump campaign.
The matter is as simple as it is complex. And, much like over here on our shores, bitter laughter at the ridiculousness of it all is the best way to deal.
Luckily for America, they’ve got our Trevor to keep them going. Here’s his take.
According to The Guardian:
Trump Jr’s meeting is the first “clear evidence” in public of senior Trump campaign members meeting with Russians while looking for such material, a leading Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee said on Monday.