Vote for Mugabe and “all your sins will be cleansed”… much like his 1980’s ethnic cleansing spree
As the Zimbabwean elections roll on in, vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa has gone on a PR spree like no other, including divine forgiveness and absolution.

A few days ago it was reported that Emmerson had also said that his boss man, Bob Mugabe, had nothing to do with the death of around 20 000 members of the Ndebele tribe during the Rhodesian Civil — because the records, testimonials and footage is all a lie — war back in the 80’s… or maybe he meant that God would forgive Bob, because he is the leader of ZanuPF, God’s party.
The vice pressie went on to say that those who support the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) are sinners in the eyes of God and that only by voting for Mugabe’s party – ZanuPF – will they find forgiveness. Well, If Bob can go to bed every night knowing he is responsible for so much suffering, God must have cleansed him of his sins, the same way he cleansed Zimbabwe of the Ndebele.
Anyway, history aside; Robert Mugabe, who is also head of the African Union, is set to win the next election much the same way he’s won almost all of the others, through intimidation, violence, cooking the results and blaming Tony Blair.