Here’s what level five water restrictions mean for Cape Town
The water crisis in Cape Town is really bad, guys.

Yep, the drought in the Western Cape is not going away anytime soon. The City of Cape Town announced level five water restrictions on Sunday.
Also read: How many days of water does Cape Town have left?
The dam levels are barely budging and the rainy season is coming to an end. So, while you might be lank stoked that summer is coming, maybe take a step back.
To put into context just how serious it is, level 5 restrictions do not even appear on the City of Cape Town’s website as an option yet.
What can and can’t you do with level five water restrictions?
Adding to the level 4b restrictions already in place, managers of commercial properties must with immediate effect ensure that their monthly consumption of the municipal supply of water is reduced by 20% compared with a year ago.
For domestic users, the cap on individual domestic property usage is now set at 20kl per month. If more than that is used, expect a heavy fine.
The upper limit of 87 litres per person and the overall collective target of 500 million litres per day in the city remained.
“There is now a new emphasis on capping excessive water use at the domestic household level and placing additional restrictions on the commercial sector,” Cape Town, Mayor Patricia de Lille said on Sunday.
TL:DR: Commercial usage needs to be drastically reduced and water usage will be capped domestically.
Heavy fines for those who transgress water restrictions
Mayoral spokesperson Zara Nicholson explains: “An engagement with the chief magistrate is forthcoming, but the fines are expected to be in the region of R5,000 – R10,000. Confirmation of fines will be announced shortly. All water users, whether they’re in the domestic or commercial sector, are expected to be vigilant with regards to water use.”
Ways to save water during level five restrictions
The City of Cape Town has frequently released tips on how to ensure that you stay within your water limits. Some tips include taking very quick showers, reducing your toilet flushing and using a cup when brushing your teeth.
The city also recently started throttling the water supply of excessive users, and charging them for the privilege to boot.