World Snake Day: What to do if you find a snake in your home
As the temperature gets warmer the closer we get to summer, the chances of seeing a snake in your garden or home will increase.

World Snake Day is celebrated around the globe on 16 July and, to commemorate this, we spoke to the African Snakebite Institute to find out what to do if a snake has made its way on to your property.
Snakes can be pretty intimidating. Ophiophobia is what they call an abnormal fear of snakes, but it seems pretty normal to me.
The scary factor of snakes is a big deal, though, because it means many people’s first reaction to having a snake in their home is to think about how to kill it.
Finding a snake at home
While snakes in the home are not as likely at this time of year because they are less active when it is cold, the coming summer will see a sharp increase in snake sightings as they seek out food and a mate.
“The warmer temperatures will encourage snakes to start feeding more regularly and many species will start looking for mates,” the African Snakebite Institute said.
“The first rains of the season will bring the frogs out and many snakes will start moving around looking for an easy meal. Inevitably, snakes will end up in houses and gardens and most people are uncomfortable with snakes around the house.”
Snakes are attracted to dark, enclosed spaces and like to feed on lizards, rodents, and frogs, so if your garden boasts any of these attributes then beware.
“Snakes will be encouraged to take refuge beneath sheets of corrugated iron, building rubble, firewood, grass heaps, rock piles and rubbish tips. Fowl runs, birdcages and rabbit pens also attract snakes. Dripping taps and fish ponds will attract frogs, which in turn may attract snakes.”
The best way to avoid snakes on your property is to reduce the number of places for them to hide, so keep your gardens neat and tidy!
You can also add mosquito nets on doors and windows to prevent them from coming inside the house.
What to do
If you do find a snake on your property, do not kill it!
Undoubtedly, its presence will make most people feel uncomfortable, but remain calm and call a professional.
“If you do happen to see a snake in your garden or home and you are uncomfortable with it, get someone to watch it from a safe distance of five meters or more, and contact a competent snake remover. Keep children and pets well out of the way,” the institute added.
“If the snake is in the house and you are comfortable with the idea, you can throw a towel or bucket over the snake and await the arrival of a snake remover – the snake normally stays curled up under the towel until uncovered.”
App for all your World Snake Day needs
The African Snakebite Institute has recently released a free app for android and Apple smartphones called ASI Snakes. This app has several useful features such as snake profiles, posters, articles, a list of hospitals listing those that are closest to you, and first aid for snakebites.
Most importantly, there is a list of over 450 snake removers from around the country, so getting hold of a professional for help will be very easy. It even reads GPS coordinates, so if your phone has that feature activated, the app will be able to give you exact details of how far away the nearest professional to you is.