Zimbabwean struggle veteran Dumiso Dabengwa has passed away
The 79-year-old had been battling with a liver-related illness.

It has been confirmed that former intelligence supremo of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (Zapu), Dumiso Dabengwa, has passed away at the age of 79.
As reported by Zimbabwe’s media, including New Zimbabwe, the struggle veteran was on his way back from receiving treatment on his liver disease in India when he met his unfortunate end.
Dumiso Dabengwa: History of the Black Russian
Rhodesian Bush War
Dabengwa is revered in the continent as a struggle hero. During the well-documented Rhodesian Bush War, the supremo led the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA).between 1964 and 1979.
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With his Russian military training, he was notoriously known as the Black Russian. Three years after the war had ended, Robert Mugabe, who had ascended to power with the Zanu-PF, ordered the imprisonment of Dabengwa on treason charges.
Political career
The matter was struck out of the roll a year later for lack of evidence, and the contestation between the two key figures in Zimbabwe’s politics would continue for decades.
Dumiso Dabengwa will be remembered for his reputation during the war, more so than his political career. For eight years, since 1992, he served as the Minister of Home Affairs.
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In 2000, he was defeated at the polls by the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in his attempt to occupy a seat at the House of Assembly.
He would go on to face a similar defeat in the 2005 elections. Three years later, Zapu, after years of coaligning with Zanu-PF, broke away and elected Dabengwa as its president.
Zim government expected to make announcements
Issues with his health got in the way of his ambitions and he had since taken a step away from politics. In November 2018, he was transferred to a specialist in South Africa to receive treatment for an undisclosed illness.
The Zimbabwean government is expected to officially confirm the passing and announce burial arrangements soon.