Fear of the wobbly bits
THE OPTIMIST | Perhaps I could start drinking at dawn to the point where I just don’t care?

Sitting here with a glass of red wine. I don’t even like red wine, but I have run out of the usual stuff and not up to joining the minions filing past the flat after Wimbledon to slink into Sainsbury’s to get my fix.
Been one of those random days. Moreover, I am thinking of something succinct to say and the brain is as vacuous as Oscar Pistorius’s alibi. For some inspiration I scoured the papers and my favourite blogs. They seemed equally useless. So another famous performer is a pervert, his scary facial hair gave him away a long time ago, and one blogger decided to dedicate her entry to ‘lady bits’. Hardly worth the Pulitzer methinks. Really, I mean who wants to read about ‘outies’ and the size of the average ‘forest’ in the veld. We are failing our readers and their intelligence when we… on second thoughts, maybe some people really are fascinated by the nether regions to the extent of Googling it. Could make interesting dinner conversation.
So I will spare you details of my grooming routine down south, and tell you of a real fear facing me. I am hitting the beach in a few days time. I have not seen the sun for close to a millennium and the grapes have not been kind to the middle regions either. Still thought I had time – you know, do the gym stuff and cut down on the carbs a la Banting, but today I found myself wafting through the clothing section until … holy mother, bathing costumes. Facing the gallows would have kinder. In my mind I am a Victoria’s Secret model, but the truth is I know Candice’s mum and am about thirty years late on that score. That big, awful hold-all is not going to cut it on the Greek Islands, but what is a girl to do?
It’s not as if I am trying to pull a Shirley Valentine over there. I just want to be able to get a tan and do the walk of shame to the water without ridicule. I want to fit into the camera frame. I do not want to look like Gerard Depardieu. More importantly, I do NOT want to look like those women in the maxi, boob tube dresses and end up with the lobster look in a one piece.
I need a plan. Maybe if I spend the next two days on my flat balcony in the buff, the vile whiteness may turn to a coffee hue and I could go for one of those full panty bikinis, or even the Nigella look (problem is I am restricted to a carry one bag with Easyjet and that would mean my total allotment of clothes). Perhaps I could start drinking at dawn to the point where I just don’t care? Spray tan? Sunbed?
Basically, all I can do is pray I do not know one single person on the beach, that the nudists put on weight and Flavio has bad vision. Maybe this is why darling opted to go golfing in France instead, he is embarrassed to accompany the Beluga Whale to the beach.
I think I want someone to love me, just the way I am. Where are you Bridget?