SAA bullies media into secrecy, Myeni says public ‘don’t have to know everything’
So early yesterday morning SAA got a gag order to stop some news outlets like Fin24 and Business Day from publishing a leaked memo from SAA CEO Thuli Mpshe to the board in an attempt to hide certain information from the South African public.

In response, SAA board chairperson Dudu Myeni went on record saying that the South African public does not have the right to know everything that goes on at SAA, even though the carrier is run with the South African taxpayer’s cash.
Myeni said that SAA was ‘not obliged to share everything’.
“SAA is a state owned company and the public has a right to know certain things but we cannot discuss the day to day happenings of what is going on in the boardroom… we can’t do that.”
Dudu added that the board was concerned – rightly so, as SAA has been blowing tax money on bonuses and botched deals for years not – about sensitive information making its way into the public arena – so Dud’s solution is censorship, well done –.
“The board is concerned about the leakages but I want to assure South Africans that SAA is not in shambles. There is a handful of people that are leaking documents into the media.”
Well that’s reassuring; Dudu tells us that SAA is not in shambles, yet sensitive information that should be in the public domain is kept secret from the very people paying his and the other board member’s salaries.
“SAA is in good hands and it belongs to the government, it does not belong to certain individuals and I also know that people think that when they cause a state of anarchy as they are doing, maybe they are influencing a certain elite grouping.”