The Sparrow effect – flying away from the wrong problem and possibly, a Penny for your thoughts?
Firstly, I have to start by saying that I am proud of my fellow South Africans that have come out in full force to criticise the comments made by Penny Sparrow. It is disturbing to consider that people not only think like this, but consider it fit to publicize these thoughts.

I’m a big proponent of “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. However, had she not publicized these thoughts, we would equally have been deprived of the ensuing dialogue, the value of which is priceless – and for that, we almost have to thank her.
Whether we like it or not, we have to admit that there is a segment of White South Africa that persists in its racist predisposition, never mind the sheer ego of feeling hard done by because SHE felt that SHE couldn’t go to the beach- as if nature only exists for the benefit of a minority of people. As if the offensive nature of her comments wasn’t enough, I believe that the perspective shown in her comments tells us a lot about how Penny may think. This sense of self-involvement, this self-centeredness is in fact part of the problem that we face in challenging racism in our country today and only in addressing this sense of self-importance can we address why racism persists.
On reading a post by Sindile Mlingo Vabaza, and the comments that followed I was simultaneously ashamed and angry. I was ashamed at the fact that people of my skin colour are guilty of this attitude, are shameless in their racism and are unapologetic about their predisposition to avoid the “other”. I was angry because I do not subscribe to the ideology of White supremacy or entitlement and I resent being painted with the same brush, and even more angry that it is people like me, and the many others that posted, that feel shame. Why is it that White people who are aware of the issue of racism and actively work against this hate are the ones that feel burdened, when the people who should feel shame would more than likely not even read this post? They’re not interested in Black people, the effect of historical and systematic disadvantage and objectification that has characterised the Black experience in South Africa or the continued fight to build a society in which “other” becomes a celebration of difference and an opportunity to learn about your neighbour, your country YOUR PEOPLE. No, once again, it is those people that least need it that feel it the most.
The predisposition to place yourself at the centre of the world is a human one; we are all the centre of our universe…however, this predisposition does not preclude our ability to look outside of ourselves and recognise this characteristic in all people. Why did Penny think her desire to experience the beach was any different to any Black person on the beach that day? What makes their desire to enjoy the sun, sand and blue sky any LESS? I think we could go a long way in undermining racism if we understood racist thought for what it is – a predisposition to place yourself above others, using an irrelevant difference to justify your thinking. People like Penny manipulate difference to feed an egotistic and elitist viewpoint that brings them comfort, solidifies their identity and places them in a system that they feel gives them a sense of control in their world view. It allows them to develop an ideology of entitlement BECAUSE there is a practical means of differentiating themselves from the “other”. Racism is underpinned by a sense of dislocation, by a loss of solidity in one’s place in a society. Although we should not tolerate Penny’s attitude, we should understand that what Penny actually needs is sympathy and education. She needs to be told that her racism is a mental disease, and like any other disease, she needs help, not shame, to address it.
I’m sure you’ll all agree, regardless of your race, that we’re all tired of racism in our country. I am so tired of hearing the hateful comments, the accompanying anger, guilt and shame and feeling like this is just another round of “let’s get ugly with each other”. What kind of a country would SA be if we could move beyond racist politics and fear mongering? What would we ask of our government if we weren’t all so fixated on the colour of the ruling party, rather than their policies? What would we do for our neighbours if we weren’t so fixated on difference? How would our communities change if we could use difference as a means to engage and learn, rather than separate? How would we change the systems in place if we saw our fellow South Africans as equals? How would we address the experience of Black people in our country if we could suspend the baggage and actually move forward productively?
Instead of making new year’s resolutions about ourselves, maybe we should be making more resolutions about how we can change the important things. Maybe we can reach out and help people like Penny to see her own value in a society that seeks to thrive in its diversity. The shame game may make us feel better, but who does it really help?