Trademark dispute could halt import of Simba Niknaks into UK
Whether you love them or hate them, Simba NikNaks from SA might soon be a lot more difficult to get a hold of in the UK, as a dispute over trade mark infringement is trying to halt the import of the snacks

You can purchase many South African food products in the UK – be it online or in one of the many South African shops that have popped up in London and beyond over the years.
But despite boosting the UK economy one quid at a time with the price tags on these highly coveted imported goods, one product is bound to be taken off the shelves in the capital: Niknaks.
A trade mark dispute in the UK has effectively put a stop on further imports from SA, meaning that no one will be able to legally trade or sell Niknak-branded crisps produced by Simba in SA.
Despite the fact that crisps have been sold under the name “Niknaks” in South Africa for almost a decade longer than in the UK, it is the UK copyright that is affected when it comes to import considerations within SA. Crisps distributed by KP Snacks in the UK already feature the trade-marked name “Nik Naks” (slightly different spelling).
Lawyers acting on behalf of KP snacks in the UK approached various importers, asking them to immediately cease bringing Simba’s Niknaks into the UK.
“This is clearly use of an identical mark to our client’s registered marks,” the memorandum reads. “Our client requires that you immediately cease and desist from further importation of these NIK NAKS snack products.”
A petition on Facebook to try to halt the effective ban on importing Niknaks was not successful, resulting in the last shipment of the snack crisps arriving in the UK months ago and due to clear out stocks imminently. So if you know you have insatiable cravings for Niknaks, hit the shops before it’s too late!
By Sertan Sanderson, 2014