Zuma addresses nation

If Zuma goes, what is to follow?

By The South African 19-03-16 13:15

South Africa is in the grip of multiple crises. It is not just the one brought on by the firing of Nhlanhla Nene in December, nor only the admission by Deputy Minister of Finance Mcebisi Jonas that the Gupta family offered him the post of Minister of Finance just before the financially disastrous removal of Nene.


Is Zuma a Savant?

By The South African 14-12-15 15:06

During his tenure, Zuma has displayed several characteristics typical of a person that is mentally challenged. But how can a man, having reached the echelon of the most powerful political movement in South Africa be an idiot? It doesn’t make sense!

Zuma pulls out of London conference

By Sertan Sanderson 27-10-14 11:41

SA President Jacob Zuma surprised business leaders and expats in the UK by pulling out of a conference in London which he was due to attend this week. While many call the no-show predictable, others are disappointed in the president crisscrossing their plans.