Facebook group a ‘castle’ of self-empowerment for women
Social media has been the vehicle to provide support for the ‘Queens’ of Girl Code.

The national lockdown was put into place to control the spread of COVID-19 infections in South Africa. However, being under lockdown has posed a threat to the mental well-being of many citizens.
Chante Letania Shanmogum has taken a proactive approach to alleviate this situation, as well as to empower women, through the Girl Code Facebook group.
Girl Code screams women empowerment. The intention of creating this group was to set up a platform for women to encourage, uplift and celebrate one another. Girl Code was created just over two weeks ago and already has close to 18 000 members. The group is administrated by Shanmogum and her cousin Nadine Naidoo.
“Girl Code stands for women. Just one word, women. We believe in uplifting and growing each other with no tolerance for drama, belittling one another or cattiness. The group is more like a castle of self-empowerment for our Queens,” said Shanmogum.
Crowning glory: Girl Code ‘Queens’ support
Group members are referred to as Queens and often post their journeys in life, including their struggles and experiences in the form of testimonies that have made them who they are today. Each inspiring the next to do the same as they stand together lifting each other up and “crowning” one another.
“I felt like we as women just needed a group where we can kick back, relax, go on and learn new things. I wanted Girl Code to be a women’s best friend, a friend that’s always giving you advice,” said Shanmogum.
The ladies on the group often post beauty hacks and skin care routines, but also extends into assisting women career wise and provides an opportunity for growth through networking.
Platform for love and support
On Wednesdays, the groups administrators allow members to post their personal motivation letters to seek employment and employers to post job vacancies within the group. On Fridays, business owners withing the group are allowed to advertise their businesses.
Every three days a “cover girl” is chosen and set as the cover photo of the group as an acknowledgment of a member interacting and this also keeps the platform running and growing.
The group’s fellow creator concluded that she has been overwhelmed by the love and support she’s been receiving.