Home Affairs step-up plans to secure visa-free travel from SA to the UK
This would go a long way towards restoring Home Affairs’ bruised reputation. Minister Aaron Motsoaledi is pursuing visa-free travel to the UK from SA.

Go and buy a Union Jack hat, practice your best British accent and make sure you’re all caught up with the latest episode of Peaky Blinders – because South Africa is apparently working on a plan to provide visa-free travel to the UK for the first time in almost a decade.
South Africa could be moving closer towards visa-free travel to the UK
The landmark move would give South Africans a taste of freedom they haven’t had in a long time. Travel between the two countries used to be easier than popping the kettle on for a cup of tea. But a series of unfortunate events meant that the UK and South Africa had to implement a stern visa system for travellers.
But Aaron Motsoaledi seems to have brought this issue to the fore: The Home Affairs Minister told Radio 702 that he wants the UK to reconsider the visa regulations that currently hamper those booking their flights. According to the cabinet representative, South Africa’s new security protocol should be enough to help get the restrictions lifted.
Home Affairs looking to introduce more visa-free travel
Any compromise on the visa situation would allow South Africans to travel with more freedom to Britain, and hopefully it will encourage our outgoing tourists to leave London and see the rest of the country (cracking little city is Nottingham, by the way). Who knows, with Brexit on the horizon, the changing migration patterns may also suit those looking for a working visa. Here’s what Motsoaledi had to say on the matter:
“We used to enter the UK visa-free, but unfortunately, something happened some years back where there were complaints where other nations were able to forge our passport. We have improved, our passports are harder to forge now and we think the UK should reconsider.”
Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi
E-visas set for their introduction
This isn’t the only iron in the fire aimed to please our holidaymakers, though: South Africa is also close to introducing electronic visas (e-visas). The Department of Home Affairs said the imminent introduction was “huge news” for the inbound tourism industry. On 7 October 2019, it was announced that the e-visa pilot scheme would launch in November.
The introduction of e-visas will be good news for people who travel to countries that require additional documentation. The system would allow applicants to access their papers online, eliminating the need to visit South African missions abroad.