The weirdest soundcheck happened on Parliament Television [video]
What a strange video.

You guys, people actually watch Parly TV these days, so nothing is sacred or safe. And when weird things happen, people are gonna notice. Especially when they’re as weird as this video.
The video was posted to YouTube by MyAfrica and starts off like any other ordinary parliament video…but then…
At around 1:10, it sounds like somebody is doing a soundcheck… on live TV.
“This guy is not there…” says the voice.
Then…another voice is heard and the testing voice asks him how he’s doing. And then things get a bit strange… from what we can make out, the voice says something along the lines of: “We will listen to what you have to say. Yes, we will listen. Oh, you’re saying every time (or every day) at 8? Oh, okay. Mmmmh okay. She must say what’s what…”
Watch it for yourself below…
We have so many questions. Who is the person testing sound? And what sound is being tested? Which guy is not there? Who is the second voice? Who is she? And what is happening every day at eight? Is that in the morning or in the evening?
What. Is. Happening. On. Live. TV.
We hope that Testing Voice 1 and whoever he was talking to are ok.
Who knows, maybe the video is just somebody pulling a prank of sorts. Maybe, like the whole Avril Lavigne not actually being dead conspiracy thing, it’s just a way of keeping us all on our toes. Although MyAfrica does plenty of authentic parly videos, so it seems it’s just a bit of a prank, no?
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