Watch: Lion tries to take a bite out of a vehicle’s side mirror at Kruger National Park [video]
Watch a curious lion try to take a bite out of a vehicle’s side mirror in the Kruger National Park recently:

When one goes on a safari, one longs for an up-close encounter with a wild lion.
Hannetjie van der Westhuizen couldn’t have dreamt of a more personal experience when they got up close and personal with a lion in the Kruger National Park (KNP) last month.
Kruger Sightings posted a video of a lion trying to eat the vehicle’s side mirror on YouTube, saying:
“When you ask frequent Kruger Park goers what the top road for lions in the park is, they will most likely answer the S100. It is an open road with lots of open plains, attracting lots of prey, thus, has lots of lions.”
And on 14 August the S100 didn’t fail to deliver.
Hannetjie explained the whole event to LatestSightings.com:
“There was a sighting of a pride of five lions, but, this pride in Kruger is famous for ‘interacting’ with the cars.
“There was a young male who was especially curious.
“We were very excited and scared at first, but then we realized that lion was more curious and playful and was just merely investigating a strange object.”
At the beginning of the video, you can see how this lion mistakes the side mirror of the vehicle for a chew toy. After getting bored of that, the lion suddenly sees the people inside and almost looks like it is waving at them.
The lion is seen climbing onto the window trying to bite the glass. He later chewed on their tyres.
“He was seriously chewing on the tyres, and I thought those sharp teeth may damage them, so we decided to move on.”
Tourists are reportedly allowed to drive with their windows open in the Kruger National Park. It is apparently recommended since you can hear the sounds of the bush.
But, if tourists see lions, and they are close to the road, it is best to keep windows closed.
“Most of my 48 years of visiting the park, I have had to use binoculars and a lot of imagination to spot a lion, never ever had an encounter like this,” Hannetjie said.
As of recently, management at the Kruger National Park warned tourists of a pride of lions, north of Satara, who were biting vehicle tyres.
Latest Sightings urges tourists to download their app and report the location of this pride of lions and share their photos and videos.